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Belgian Pain Society
Young Researchers Day 2025

The next generation in pain research

When : Sat 22/03/2025
Where : University of Antwerp




Program to be announced

Calling all young researchers and clinicians to submit an abstract to hold an oral/poster presentation

Awards for the best oral/poster presentation

Submission deadline : 1st of February 2025

Abstract Call 2025_edited.png

Iris Meuwissen

Physiotherapist, PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Antwerp and Hasselt University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Chronic non-specific low back pain, high intensity training, and pain neuroscience education.

Kristof Deseure

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, Algology lab, Antwerp Surgical Training, Anatomy and Research Centre (ASTARC), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and scientific collaborator at the Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Antwerp University Hospital.

Behavioral characterization of spontaneous and evoked trigeminal neuropathic pain and comorbidities in rat and mice models of trigeminal neuralgia, pharmacological and chemogenetic treatment of trigeminal neuropathic pain, the role of endothelin-1 in cancer pain syndromes.

Laurens Peene

Dr. Peene is specialized in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine. In addition he has a special interest in neuromodulation for chronic pain. He obtained the ‘Fellow in Interventional Pain (FIPP)’ certificate in 2022. He followed a postgraduate ‘Neuromodulation and Pain’ at the Queen Mary University in London and additional training at the Guy’s & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust hospital, London, UK. He published articles in multiple peer-reviewed journals and contributed to multiple handbooks"

Amber Billens

PhD researcher at Ghent University – Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Influence of psychological factors and physical activity on central pain modulation in healthy people and chronic pain populations

Davina Wildemeersch

Anesthesiologist and pain physician at UZ Antwerpen, visiting professor at the University of Antwerp.

Chronic postsurgical pain, telemonitoring in acute and chronic pain conditions.

Lisa Bernaerts

Clinical psychologist and Systemic psychotherapist at the Multidisciplinary Pain Center in the Antwerp University Hospital.

Psychosocial factors in chronification of pain, neuromodulation for chronic pain.

Aïcha Boutachkourt

Michel Mertens

Postdoctoral researcher at University of Antwerp - Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research School CAPHRI Maastricht University – Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Chronic shoulder disorders (focus on frozen shoulder and rotator cuff related shoulder pain), underlying mechanisms in patients with shoulder disorders (central pain processing, autonomic function, metabolic factors and inflammatory levels), rehabilitation in patients with chronic shoulder pain and their underlying mechanisms, quantitative sensory testing in healthy individuals prediction modeling in patients with chronic pain and exercise therapy in patients with chronic pain.

Amy Belba

Michiel Brandt

PhD student at Spine, Head and Pain Research Unit, Ghent University

Low back pain, sensorimotor control, clinical assessment, validity.

Jonas Verbrugghe

Guest professor at the University of Antwerp and a postdoctoral researcher at Hasselt University. He is an expert in the application and evaluation of (high intensity) exercise therapy in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

Yanis Mouheb

Neurobiologist and PhD researcher in cognitive neurosciences at the Conscious Care Lab - GIGA Consciousness - Liège University

Altered states of consciousness-induced analgesia, contemplative neurosciences.



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